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Recontextualized this to be the first part of a short vignette series (added worm in the bottom left lol).

Background is kind of minimal because I am rushing. I'm sure no one cares lol.

It is a SF preview though so it has to be smaller and censored.

I also went ahead and edited my next patreon goal to reflect an amount I'd need before I can safely say I will no longer be doing paysite art. I'm more than three fifths the way there but until I cross that threshhold I will have to dip into selling art to paysites from time to time when I need the extra money. Although I might still take on commissions paysite art so far is the only art that I ever have to censor when posting here... which will never happen again if that goal is reached. That's a promise.




I hope people can still commission you, personally, from time to time. o: It's sad to see so many great artists take up a Patreon and leave the commission scene altogether. :c

Florian Schwarzer

I hope that I can one day commission you myself! I wish you all luck for your next patteon goal!!! Also, Mik looks lovely <3


Take up commission? I'd be really interested in that. Though if you ever open again will this be regular ones or ych?

Tazer Silverscar

I would love to commission you sometime - of course since my horrible income is so low that it won't be for a few centuries, but it's a nice option to have, since you're so awesome =O


I won't know how I will feel about that until I reach that point. I do know that I prefer commission to paysite work because at least with commissions I can post the work here in full without censoring it.


It depends on several factors. I won't know until I'm ready to take them on again. For now I'm still working out what I want and what I'm able to get done as an artist.