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Thinking warm thoughts can only get you so far... this is a call for ACTION!

Are you up to the task?


Files for dec17 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qgh2utr5x40621u/AADBPe0kni_7u5bSNQ1cFiG8a?dl=0

I was gonna sell this to a paysite... but fuck it. Even though I could use the money right now I reaaaaaly wanted to post this one here instead.

Too late for Christmas well wishing but maybe a Happy Holidays will do.

Typing is a pain so I'll cut this post here for now. Wrist is killing me. Did a lot of emergency art in the last few days including 5 inks on Christmas day. Thank god for mobile drawing devices. Still house sitting for a friend.




Super cute :) im glad you postet it on patreon :)


mmph! I surprised the snow isn't melting around her! O:

Florian Schwarzer

As I already stated at the sketched version, Mik is so bloody adorable and hot that it would be worth it the goosebums <3


Oh I'm up to the task of keeping Mik warm anytime, believe me. X3


Thank you Tsam, lovely and very appreciated <3


Ohh she is so sweet and hot <3 And I would do anything for her to keep her warm. Thank you Tsampikos for this post here. And i wish you get well!