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Feel free to ignore the personal rant below. It has nothing to do with Mik, furry art, or patreon. I just need to vent without roping any of my friends into an hour long messenger tirade about first world problems that will inevitably end with talking about Star Wars or butt stuff.

So for now enjoy this sketch of Mik making herself nice and warm/ clean I am doing for Sexyfur.


- Starting to feel pretty sick/ run down. Swollen lymph nodes/ fatigue. Whatever it is I'm developing I hope it isn't debilitating.

- 4 out of the 5 amazon deliveries I was waiting on had to be refunded in a single sitting. 2 items were damaged and are now undeliverable according to the carrier and amazon themselves. The other two were supposedly delivered but this is not true. No package was left. I do a ton of business with Amazon and this has never happened before and they refunded every item in question.... which is great, but it will take 3-5 days to receive the refund and odds of the items getting here by the holidays are next to none and I don't have enough on hand to make the purchases before the refunds reach me.

- My bank instituted some disaster relief stuff from the hurricane a few months back that I was not aware of. Automatic payments to student loans/ insurance were turned off and are all past due by several months. If I update my residence I lose my insurance and perks that took years to build so I am pretty much pretending I still live in my home state but because of that I did not receive the mail notifications and for some dumb reason I never got email notifications until right now. I had the money, I paid it all at once... but considering how some of the purchases I just made include an Ipad pro/ Apple pencil to replace my sketching device that recently died on me I am operating on less cash on hand than I had anticipated.

- I got the seasonal money call from family. This time from my brother. It was for a legit reason so I did float him the $550. He is flying across the country for the holidays to see some family but at the same time he is going there because he moonlights as a photographer... which he is pretty good at. I invested a lot of time teaching him and he invested a lot of time learning and a lot of money in equipment... but being relatively inexperienced despite his skill there are still things he is still learning as he goes along. This time the lesson was about the electronic components vs temperature. Don't take a bunch of outdoor snapshots in the blistering cold then immediately jump into to a muggy indoor environment. Electronics got fried and he asked me to help with the repairs. So I did.

- Because my brother will be across the country I have much less reason to go home for the holidays so I'm staying here. I made this fact known to a friend of mine who just moved into a giant house and for various legitimate reasons he asked me to house-sit for him and his wife. Because I am a sweet boy and overall saint I agreed to do it. It's not like work is an issue - like me he has a 27QHD and all of the peripherals/ programs I use to work so I can draw there just fine.... but it's still gonna be a bummer spending the holidays out of town alone in someone else's house for 7-8 days.




Boo for all the crap hitting at once. Hooray for a cute Mik. Hope you feel better soon.


That is quite the series of events :/ Is there anything we, your pretty awesome fans, can do to make it easier over this season? Some Christmas messages and cheer? Keep company if you choose to draw for an audience at any point?


Really hope you can feel better soon, sorry all this is happening :/

Tazer Silverscar

Screw 'first world problems'. These are your problems. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm super jealous that you have the talent you do and the money to go with it, but at the end of the day, you're a human like the rest of us, and if you need help, you should get it. ...that said, I wish my problems were just that. I'm suffering from grand mal seizures every now and again (still recovering from one from yesterday). I wouldn't be spending my money on equipment so much as making my life easier.


Mannnn that sounds rough. Sorry you have to go through that. My gripes are just that - gripes. I wish things ended up differently but I get over it p quickly nowadays. It's kind of why I shrugged it off as 'first world problems. All together it does bum me out but it's all pretty minor compared to things that have wrecked me in the past. Luckily I can just lose myself in drawing, a fact in which I am always grateful for.


"I made this fact known to a friend of mine who just moved into a giant house and for various legitimate reasons he asked me to house-sit for him and his wife. Because I am a sweet boy and overall saint I agreed to do it. " Haaaaah. I laughed sort of. But that sucks man. Be online or something!