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The body design is pretty much final. Simple and sweet. Got me a Renamon thing going. I know Otter might be the obvious choice but like... I already got Mik. Asking for more is down-right greedy.

The main outfit and other visual elements need to be worked on next.




how cute! he sings and shouts spells? heh heh.


He is *adorable.* If his outfits consist entirely of thigh high leggings and various ponchos I think I might die. I can't wait to see what sort of trouble he gets into. ;D


for some reason he reminded me of a slugcat from Rain World

Tazer Silverscar

Hee, he's such a cutie x3 He sounds like he's built for a video game ^^


Oh that tongue looks like a lot of fun. I bet the ladies love him, and his tongue. ;P