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Files for this month https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kn2nqsxu2ms3nxo/AAByoDBbO_BD1RbTkPCcZhrYa?dl=0

Slowpokes don't get enough love.

This isn't a plush toy. It's an actual Slowpoke. Named Hoover.

They are unique because their eyes actually close when they sleep.

Mostly done while streaming. I did some cleaning/ post stuff on my own.

Also I haven't made any invoices yet mainly because of the shipping label thing. I'm having a hard time deciding what kind of printer I want. I could get a throwaway one for labels alone buuuut I'm considering selling prints too and if I do I want to do them myself which would involve a big fancy printer for 11*17s. Decisions decisions...




I do sometimes wonder what Mikhaila's 'off screen' life is like.


Bottomless Mik is best Mik :D


Sleepy Rudderbutt. ^_^


Cute !


I am very curious into Miks upbringing and lifestyle. How do her parents look, does she have siblings, any ex boyfriends, oh my chest can't take the curiosity. But none the less great work as always.


D´´ awwwwwwww that´s so super cute. Mik with her plushie sleeping. Really freakin awesome work done again. Allways love your pics.