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Files for this month.



I was working on the second 'hurricane drawing' while Irma was out and about but then I heard tell that we got power back so back home I went. With the new desk finally here I was hoping to put it together.

Well... the table top is broken. It's cosmetic - it's a decent chunk that chipped from a corner - but it's a brand new purchase and I will be in talks about what to do about it from here. Ugh. I hate it when something is delivered damaged.

Couldn't focus on that particular drawing I was working on and I didn't want it to suffer so I did another thing out of spite. Here is a gif of the progress over the course of a few hours.

I thought it was coming out nicely. Didn't intend on taking it beyond colored sketch but by pure coincidence it happened to be the Undertale anniversary yesterday so I decided to finish it. That's how this happened.




Thank god for the anniversary, it would've been a shame not to see this finished.


This is amazing, I'd love to see more undertale stuff!


Sexy goat monster mom. Check Cute nerd monster girl. Check Both bathing together. Check Wild dreams come true. Confirm