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Files for this month - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wfx260v613grgxn/AABG5rFhpNrKCuDlNyl_1K0Za?dl=0

Traveling soon. Kind of impromptu. Still moving in aug... just moving some stuff early. Had to get some pinups done before the uncertainty set in which is how these happened the way they did. Blurred/ small because my sketches are ridic and need to be censored since they are pretty representative to the finished pieces that will be posted on Sexyfur/Tailheat.

Changed Cass(idy)'s design slightly. If her sister can use Giorno's Ladybug charm on her headband then she can use a full Cloranthy (ring) design on hers!

The Amurica ones are because of July 4th is coming up and I why not! Miyusha is giving a quick flash and Blink is just doing his thing... walking around with a full rager and a black condom to match the sleeves/stockings/tail warmers because that's a thing people do.

Probably wont have another comic page this month but I will try to have more art for sure. I can definitely have a pinup done. If I try to do a comic page I probably won't get further than the sketch. Depends on how much time I will actually get to draw. I could have easily had more art in but damn dude when I say the Daki took 60+ hours I'm not exaggerating.

I did get some finished versions of the Dakis in btw. Gonna show them around to get some feedback first before I take any orders on. I say they look good but more eyes on it couldn't hurt!



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