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I've been asked to draw lots of characters. Among them has been Gadget and Mrs Brisby. Well... here's a Gadget. Mrs Brisby coming up hopefully soon!

I'm going to be drilling myself in sketches and in some of them, like in this case, I will clean em up a bit and throw some colors on! My hope is that over time I'll get so good at it I will be able to incorporate this workflow into comics and other project art so that they don't take several days to finish!

All the drawings for this month can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rbo60yohgkg0x49/AADD_l0dJgX3_9w88UPQ9cMZa?dl=0




Stunning, simply stunning.


A comic in this quality would be amazing


Gadget in a comic in this quality would be even better X3


OMG this pic of Gadget is absolute super stunning. In my oppinion this is by far the best pic of Gadget.


There is a drastic shortage of quality Gadget pix, and this one is fantastic. More of this would not meet resistance from I!


You forgot the dropbox again my dude


If its the link for his folder of this month. Check his previously posted art and go by that link for a temporary fix. But yeh, its a bit anoying.