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i should be able to change sfm into whatever resolution i want but what resolution is most wanted?

the common widely used 1080p 60fps
or i could match my monitor and make it 1440p 60fps

neither of the resolutions will have any real impact on my rendering time/quality of animation, the 60fps is what's going to kill me but that's set in stone so....



Being an artist creating picture no less than 5000px (I love zooming into details without loss) You will always hear me say "Go for whatever's bigger" Those who don't care, won't really notice a difference, but those who do care, def will.


and if i was doing pictures i would agree with you but this is animation. 60 pic's per second, 2 mins animation, 7200 frames each with their own pic. file size might go a little crazy (plus i know that the majority of users watch my stuff on a mobile)


I dunno what to tell ya then, I was simply voting the poll and commenting with a slice from my side ^^ I watch most stuff on my Tablet which has a 4K screen, so a bump in res is def noticeable to at least some of your audience, but if filesize is a concern, then not I guess . I just always appreciate higher res no matter if still or moving artworks.