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Hello and welcome to another Monday Post. I hope you are ready for a very short post because, honestly, I have nothing new to say.

The news. Well, like I just said there are none. And that is a good thing, really. It was a quiet week and I was able to work in peace. Honestly, that's the best kind of news I could ask for :)

The work. In my limitless wisdom I decided to increase my workload a bit by adding a few extra details to the New Year's event to make sure it plays out just right. The good thing about this is that the event itself will have even more pictures to tell the story now, the bad things about this is that I am starting to get tired of this fucking event and have reached the point where I just want to be done with it -_-

And that is about it. I will be sharing quite a few WIPs in the EXTRA!! post, along with one silly video, so make sure to check it out. And I will see you all next week, bros. Until then.


List of links just in case:




yo why is spidey so caked up in that gif.


This week's gif is from: Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin for the SEGA CD


I have no clue. When I saw it I just knew I have to shared it with you guys ;)