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Hello bros. How have you been? Did you have a good week? Did you have a shitty week? Well it doesn't matter all that much, really. The last week has ended and the new one is starting, time for another Monday Post.

RED NOTICE. Watched another decent movie last week. It is official now: Netflix has produced at least 2 movies that are propaganda free: 6UNDERGROUD and RED NOTICE. For me personally it was fun to see another Hollywood depiction of Russia (or Russian prisons at least). A lot of action, a lot of silliness, but all in all it was just a lighthearted action adventure movie that I had fun watching. That is all I usually want from a movie, really. ^^

The Games. Put on pause FA:Awakening for a while. Downloaded Saints Row 2 (The best one, IMHO). To my surprise steam had my old save-files stored on a cloud somewhere. According to this screenshot it has been 10 years since I played this game last time. Running around the Steelport city and soaking in the atmosphere made me feel very nostalgic :)

The work. I am finally done with the Garden bit. The whole thing took me around one month and a half I think. A lot of effort went into it, but I think the final result will be worth it. And the best part is I managed to keep spoilers to the minimum so you will be able to discover a lot of surprises along the way.

What's next? Now I will be moving on to another side activity: owning a fruitstand. This one won't have any side stories attached to it, so all I need to do is draw a few things and code it in. Shouldn't take all that long.

Anyway, that is all I have to say for now. Thank you for your support. I'll see you all next week.


List of links just in case:




just keep it easy my lord, we can wait, the wait make it even cooler


Thanks for the update. I am sure that if you think it was worth the wait, I am sure it was more than worth it. Really happy spoilers are being kept to the minimum, can't wait to get into the world you have created for us


Hmm another movie to add to my one day watch on Netflix list (I have two gift cards for that service I"m yet to redeem as I lack time to watch). That said Saints Row 2 screenshot has me interested (I own a copy never had a chance to play). I see a pattern forming


Yeah. The older you get the harder it is to find the time. But what is much worse is that sometimes you do find the time, but you have no energy left to enjoy your hobbies. -_-


Sorry if this has been answered before, but I'm wondering: After you release Queen Trainer will you still create more content for it, like more quests, side-stories, jobs, maybe more sex events, and so on... as new ideas pop into your head or are suggested by players? Perhaps after a few months or so? Or, is it one-and-done?