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EDIT: Not sure what happened. I wrote the post and hit the PUBLISH button as usual. After that I copy-pasted everything to my mirror on SubscribeStar. Right now it is 01:00 in the morning. Some drunk idiot was making noise outside on the street and woke me up. For some reason I didn't feel like going back to sleep right away and decided to check the Discord, where I promptly discovered that apparently my post did not go live when I thought it did... I checked the "scheduled" tab and the "published" tab - nothing. It was in the "drafts" tab for some reason. I want to say that this is Patreon's fault, but I also did not doublecheck if the post went live or not and just went to bed. Ultimately I have no idea what went wrong, but I am glad I discovered this problem at 1 A.M. -_- In any case, I am going back to sleep now. Have a good night, bros. -_-

As I am writing this
it is already dark outside. Never did I make a post this late. But it is still a Monday so the streak continues! ^_^ Welcome, cherished bros, and sorry for being so late with this one.

First of all check out this new batch of stickers MrLazare has created. I have a theory, I think he keeps creating these because he secretly wants us all to be very jealous of him. Well for my part I can say that he is succeeding because I want all this fucking stickers!

Oh but that is not all. Check out this dope keychain. Seriously, this is too much T_T. It looks so official and high quality. ^^

To other news, today was a very busy day. Had to basically spend entire day taking care of IRL chores. Oh well, nobody can completely ignore real life. That being said, last week was very productive. I did get a lot of things done. And that's it. Sorry, I am to low on energy at the moment to go into more details. I want to finish writing this post, publish it, and go to bed.

I promise to be more talkative next week. Really. I give you my word. For now though that is all. I will see you all next week.


List of links just in case:



John Hall

It's good to know you're OK. I was afraid you might have been hit by a bus or something. That first sticker reminds me that I'd love it if Hermione suddenly found herself in Agrabah one day.


Phew, I almost broke Patreon by F5'ing this page all night last night ^^ That machine in the sketch looks very interesting, I hope it's safe (maybe plan to send reporter April O'Neil to make sure it is).


Keep it up Aka-bro


Ha-ha-ha XD Thank you for the support, man. Sorry for always taking a while to reply to your Coffee donations ^^ P.S. Animating that machine's functionality took some effort but I know the real men of culture will get a kick out of it XD


Thank you for the support, Nepurin! I will do my best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!