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Took me whole two days to go through 1500+ unread letters (a lot of then were spam of course), but now number of unread letters next to my inbox says: (00). 

Feels good... Although it has gotten a bit depressing towards the end when I had to reply to some of the letters that were almost a year old...

Also now I feel like one of those manikin people from new "Mass Effect": "my face is tired".


But at least the great inbox purge is over now.

The pic you see above has been sent to me by Ace (quite some time ago actually). He commissioned it from someone by the name DMX. From what I understand that curvy girl is Ace's original character, so I am not familiar with her. But I am quite familiar with Lola and most of you too, so I thought that maybe you will get a kick out of this picture. 

Also in one of the older letters I found a link to this website: http://www.trydowave.com/ 

It contains some unofficial "TMNT" comics that I thought were interesting, so I am also sharing that link with you. 

Here, just take a look at this one picture of April: http://www.trydowave.com/t3.1.web.htm

And that is about it. I am negotiating with several people about the help with animations but have no news for you yet. In the meantime I will be getting back to work.

Thank you for your support guys. Feel free to spam my inbox again if needs be ^^




Awesome Tmnt, thanks for the share, also Lola looks awesome


LolaLumiere Made My Day. AKABUR you are still the best of the best.


Kind of a punky looking Lola, guess she must be in her rebellious phase.


I really like the Lola she looks awesome! btw dont feel bad...at least you replied haha, better late than never I always say ^^


good job with the inbox, 1500 messages is a bit much to slug through.


Whoa! Check out the rack on that April. Nice! I wonder if the artist for that has ever drawn some Rule 34. If not, he should.


Nice and hot work)))


Thank you for comics!


speaking of april i think i been meaning to ask for about 1 or 2 months about what do u think of the april o neil from the nickelodeon cartoon akabur?


u've been rather silent master akabur jennie man thing :D


I like the big girls!