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Hello, bros. Welcome to another Monday Post. The month of April has started. April is a special month for me because it reminds me of April O'Neil, our favorite yellow jumpsuit wearing slut-- I mean, news reporter. (Also my birthday is in April, but whatever XD )

The work. Last week was a good one. Productive one. Majority of the time was spent polishing up Vivi and Megara's storylines. Basically a lot of busy work with little to show for it. 

The Plan. The current work plan looks like this. Finish up polishing and tweaking the routs of the following characters:
- Lean Lilly
- Esmeralda
- Iris
- Atamansha

Basically I will be in the grinding mode for some time. On one hand it could get a bit tedious, because what I will be doing is mostly arranging and tweaking things. But on the other hand it will be also exciting for me because things will be taking shape more and more.

The Question. Here is the thing though. Personally I am very excited for the Queen Trainer, but I realize that it is only because I know what kind of game it is and how much content is there to be discovered by the player (when it's released). But you guys for the most part have no choice but to sort of believe me when I say "it's gonna be good", and that it. So I've been thinking what ways could be there to share some sort of content to get you hyped a bit.

Ideas. I thought about putting together a trailer, but that would take too much time. (Financially I am doing OK for now, but hiring people to do this is still out of question). After that I thought about releasing a few character posters, with background information and such. But even that would take effort if I want it to be done well. Even that little Vivi introduction you can see above took way longer than I am comfortable with spending on this sort of stuff.

Any Ideas? Do you have any ideas? What kind of stuff I could release to generate a bit of an interest in your eyes for the game. (Demo is out of question at least for now).

Anyway, that is all for now. I will see you all next week.





I can for my own part say that I have no issues believing when you say "it's gonna be good!" :) no extra stuff needed, we just eagerly await the final product!


Hey, when exactly is your birthday? Also, about the hype. I think your reputation is good enough that looking at your track record, we are getting a good fucking game. The amount of details you share right now is fine for me and I wouldn't change anything. I don't want to have much of the game spoiled, I love discovering little secrets and jokes that are outside of the main story. But if you want I can think of some way for hype. Maybe flyers? :V Anyway, good to se you are alive, have a blessed week!

percy Jackson

Demo maybe not but why not record yourself playing snipits of the game. Use what you already have. If your trying to get a trailer that is. But to be honest, from the very beginning, you have always put out great content. So even if you can't show us before release, you can rest assured that everyone here is just as excited to see this game as you are.


Why not work out vhs with L.O.L.A who invite other girls for some training session


Thanks, Percy. Yeah, I could just record some gameplay bits. I did something like this before. Just small bits, nothing too spoilery.