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Hello, cherished bros. You know what time it is. Yes, it is time for another development/proof-of-life update. Let do this thing!

The Work. So, during last week I did some coloring and after that some coloring, and finally after that some coloring as well. Plans for this week is to import all the art assets into the game and get back to coding and writing.

And that is it. Nothing out of the ordinary to report, really. Just another week at the forge. So yeah, hugs and kisses and I will see you all next Monday.

P.S. Oh, and don't forget to check out the EXTRA!! post for more colorful WIPs ^_^





Oh coloring! It looks great and really amazing! I'm glad that your week passed under the motto "coloring"!😉


in my country we do colouring a bit differently ;)