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Hello, bros. I have no big news to report and in the current day and age it's agood thing. Everything is on schedule here.

The work. This week was mostly spent on busy work. Replacing default buttons with image-buttons, adding market location and so on. Sounds simple but it's actually a lot of tedious work.

The plan. If all goes well, first half of this week will be spent on more of the same busy work. But by the end of the week I am hoping to move on to creating additional art assets. Hopefully will have some new drawings to show off, next Monday.

The life. I had plans to share some personal news but after the events of this week decided to postpone it. I feel like right now is not the time to get personal. It's time to lay low and keep on working.

And that is about it.
Thank you for your support. I'll see you all next week. ^^


List of links just in case:


Monday Post #243

Please consider supporting m work: https://www.patreon.com/akabur https://itch.io/profile/akabur https://www.buymeacoffee.com/akabur



Cool, you decide when to share info and cool that you are busy as long as itis busy good, this week is month end so I should come with some amusing an entertaining topics for the mail.


Just remember to take breaks for mind and body my friend.


good luck -by chinese🇨🇳


Well keep up the good work. Hopefully bad things pass you by as you keep your head down :)


Focus on work it's not bad, just take a rest sometime. Stay safe man!!

Trevor Bond

Looking good! And yeah, the tedious work needs to be done in any job. I hear you. Hopefully things pick up for you!


This week's gif is from KonoSuba.


I'm glad to hear that you are moving forward and going at your right pace! Keep it up and take care!


Hard work is in full swing ...) Ok, the main thing is to tune in to a positive wave and continue to create!