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I take these... walks. Every morning. I like to get up real early and just roam the town while lazy people are still asleep... This time I took my camera with me and shot a short video... There is no point to this, just me walking and saying random things... Also I think I was still a bit sleepy... I also didn't edit the vid in any way because that would take time. Alright, enough with the damn Patreon for today. I'm loging out and getting to work now. Till next time. http://youtu.be/PzvJ97IHX4A


Monday morning july 2014

Uploaded by Akabur on 2014-07-14.



Ahhhh... Fresh summer air and the cool breeze


Interesting video. You're a funny dude. That was an insane amount of stray dogs.


You haven't seen nothing yet. Stay dogs rule that area. And stray cats rule my neighborhood...


I know... The sweet-spot right before it turns into blistering heat of summer day...


hahahahahaha, nothing like the un-edited version. Very fun, thanks for sharing


Lol dude you're quite funny, at one point durring the vid i brought up on youtube through that link i went to my email tab and brought up the "check it out" in tab and switched back to the youtube one and suddenly the other tab began to play so I thought you were REALLY out of it and repeating yourself lol Also, Russia is not so snowy as I thought lol


Dude... wtf man? Move. You have worldwide income. Move someplace where those are all shitty houses. (because those are all shitty houses) Move somewhere, have a nice house. Buy a nice car, marry some little Asian minx.


All due time... This is my fifth month on patreon... I plan to move. But no car or any minxes for me.


I know! I've been lied to as well. So freaking hot here! :(