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Not an update and not even a teaser. Just a little joke that I find funny somehow... Probably only because I spent entire day working on the story and dialogs and my brain is exhausted to the point when I find random things funny... I've been going through phases "a" and "b" back and forth today... Phase "a" being: "Oh my god, this game is gonna be so awesome!" Phase "b" being: "Oh my god, what was I thinking? This game is gonna suck so bad!" I still need to finish writing a scene today if I expect to sleep at all tonight, because otherwise I will be laying in my bed thinking, trying to figure out how to finish the damn scene not in a sucky way but in a way that will let me access the Phase "a" again for whatever short period of time. Thank you for your support! P.S. Don't worry, the game is gonna be good for sure XD http://youtu.be/6u9SJBWXfzo


Just hanging...

Uploaded by Akabur on 2014-06-16.


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