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So, day before yesterday I hit a minor roadblock with coding... And Xaljio (being a nice guy that he is) volunteered to rewrite parts of my codes I had problems with (there were quite a few). So I sent him the game and in the meantime decided to take care of other things, like finally getting around shipping this month's drawings to you guys, and answering my emails and such. So it's been two days already and Xaljio is still working on the codes... I totally agree with the saying: "idle hands are the devil's workshop", but there is not much to do for me at this point. All I can think about is codes, and how to program in this or that feature... Well I had no choice but to force myself to work on a graphical part of the game today, although like I said it's hard to concentrate on it right now because my mind is set on coding. Well in any case, here I am, working on a naked Hermione sprite, and I start to complain to myself, thinking: "I don't feel like doing this today. I want to program in the things that are still missing from the game! But I can't do it, because damn Xaljio is taking his sweet time... How long does it take to program in some stupid codes?!" And then it hits me: long! It takes LONG! And I know that, because I've been doing it for months now 0_0 And yet, the moment I find myself "on the other side of the barricade" - I turned into you overage "John Doe" the complainer, who wants the thing he is waiting for to be ready this instance, who doesn't want to wait! How did that happen? 0_0 I think now I understand how you guys feel sometimes when you wait for my game to be released. Next time I hear people complain about me taking too long with developing my games I will try to be more understanding. Thank you for you support guys. You are the most understanding and patient fans in the world!



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