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Hello guys. This post is here simply to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you despite being silent for a couple of days... I keep working an all sorts of things at once: coding, some animations, didn't get to the writing yet though... And for now, I'm afraid, I have nothing I could share with you... Also it's already 8th of May so I will be putting together another bunch of my old drawings for you guys to claim. I managed to procure a bunch of big envelopes (A4) which means I will be able to send you guys much bigger in size artworks that I thought previously was impossible to send through Russian post. And that's all for now. Thank you for financing my projects and being a part of this!




You mean the game? Well that thing is on hold... I mean I did write the more or less complete engine for it but then I had to divert my attention back to "magic shop"... To be honest I don't think I will be able to get back to it before I release a finished version of "Princess Trainer".


No worries, you a one-man show after all. I think we'll learn to be patience :P