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I already posted this on my twitter, but maybe this deserves a re-post here as well. Couple of days ago I got a letter from some dude who bought a disk with "Princess Trainer" on Ebay from one of my "legitimate representatives". Thanks to your support I can easily afford all my releases to be a freeware. But telling people that you are "one of my official distributors" is just weird. But I'm not that special because I know that the person who's been selling those disks was also selling all sorts of other software burned to CDs, so he's pretty much a representative of all the internet I suppose.




Oh wow, that's crasy how some take advantage of your work :( And btw, you might not think you are special but for us, supporter, you are special and bring special joy and fun in our life, so thank you :)


So many assholes like this out there, who take advantage of free stuff and sell it for profit. They're right up there with Lizard Squad and Trolls.


Well then, that reminds me of when someone were selling ZONE's "Biocock Intimate" (An Interactive Flash) on Ebay... Seems totally legit :D The worst part is, that you as the creator can't really do that much about it :/


"I'm not gay but $20 is $20" this is how they work. I hope this dude who bought the game from this fraud reports him. Maybe you should consider a way to protect your product aka, they're getting popular ^^


French lesson : If you want to describe that sort of guy in french, you can say " espèce de vautour sans scrupule". This sentence contain no bad words but the sense will appear pretty clearly to your french interlocutor.


Well, that was naive of him, why try to buy the game from ebay when it's available for free and there are other ways of supporting you? I hope the scumbag gets reported and banned.

Jacob Kain

Hey Aka, there's actually a moderately decent way to report this and have the loser removed. Have the user send you the listing link, which will include the seller. Then make a claim here: <a href="http://pages.ebay.com/help/tp/vero-rights-owner.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pages.ebay.com/help/tp/vero-rights-owner.html</a>


This is something sad, there are also sites that sell posters with pictures of artist without their consent, or that put images in paysites. This is sad as this parasites earn money at the cost of others hard work. Just because is adult only or parody people think everything is fair play, sad indeed.

Nemesis Valentine

Devil's advocate mode on! (!!Creator trigger warning!!) I see no real problem with this, the guy/girl/thing did burn the game, printed the artwork on the CD, printed a cover for the cover (no image of the cover but I guess its kinda well made too). So lets say you pay 20 bucks for a physical copy of the games Akabur made, so you yourself don't need to do it and as Akabur himself don't sell things like that I see no problem. This guy that bought this payed for a service. Its like my AWESOME posters I had made (se my posts from a year ago), the money he spent on this would never reached Akabur because Akabur don't sell any CD's. It would be another question if Akabur did sell things and this guy went to another part to get the CD because it was cheaper or something. BUT! Saying he is a representative is a lie and I even think you can get some legal action against him. If something he should promote your patreon at lest so the word of our glorious leader can spread even further. It's as some people noted in the comments here that this is not something you can stop the only thing you can do (if you have time to do) is to try to replace people like this, if Akabur himself started to sell well made CD's this other dude would have no reason or demand to supply this copy he is now selling. Some people want a physical copy of the games they own and that is a demand Akabur is not supplying. So I do understand why he is selling CD's and I do understand why Akabur/you guys would be frustrated about this. I think the best Akabur can do is just ignore this and move on, no point in wasting energy on this. Ending Devil's advocate mode! As always love you Akabur, keep being you and looking forward to how you will evolve from this awesome journey you are on! Peace out! Nemesis


Out of curiosity I did look for the dude on Ebay, but with no luck, so I think it's already been done.


Nah... For as long as I have your support no protection is necessary. All my projects are a freeware....


Well, yeah. I never said that I have problem with this. When my work "get's stolen" that's just another PR. I would be an idiot to complain about it. BUT the dude shouldn't say that he is my official distributor or whatever. In other words I agree with you. And have the same opinion on this.


A fool and his money are soon parted, nothing you can do about that. Anyone who has enough internet to find a game in your name on ebay, but not find your website / patreon / free download... Nothing you can do to help that person. On a positive note, however... Now that he has purchased your game from that ebay seller, he has suddenly become the distant relation of a Nigerian General looking to smuggle 5 million dollars out of the country. If you play your cards right, you may be able to act as an intermediary facilitating the transfer of his money order to secure a swiss bank account for the deposit... (ROFL)

Regless Maximus

Not quite the same but does anyone remember that asshat that would commission girls with moles doing fellatio play, not pay the creator, then SELL the art he clearly stole from like 50 different artists. Cuz wow. That was an impressively tenacious scammer. He went through soo many accounts too.


I kinda want to see what they stole as the box art.


Hm, maybe someone does not know, how to use search engines. Mate, it takes seconds to find your official sites... Anyway, better to support artists and writers directly, like on Patreon, instead making rich middle men and all sorts of "agents". I hope mine and others' contribution will help you develop and draw cool stories :)


representative of all the internet that would be amazing job.