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Sup, bros! Statement above is an obvious click-bait.  For the past year there has been so many layout iterations on this site that I just find it difficult to care anymore. Speaking of things I don't care about: Captain Marvel is out. It could be the best flick ever, could be the worst sing since sliced bread, could be something in-between, I honestly just... don't... care... Oh, and modern games in general, yeah, let's add that to my "don't care" list as well... -_- Uninspired garbage surrounds me at every step: games, movies, music, people... Unless of course it is just a sign of me getting old? Nah... That can't be it. It's got to be the world that had going insane, not me.

Congratulations, you've reached the end of the whining portion of this post! Now relax and enjoy the good part! Welcome to the officially most family-friendly-community on Patreon: "AKABUR's Monday Bros". Namaste <3

The work. So, it's been 14 weeks since Episode 04 has been released. Fantastic! Just thinking about it feels my heart with joy! 14 weeks? Heck yeah! I was aiming for a shortest development cycle ever and here we are 14 weeks later and I am still working on it. So not depressed about it!

On the bright side of things, I did not go on vacation or anything, so longer development time will (most definitely) translate into a heavier on new content update. (If it doesn't though I'm quiting this accursed job, closing down my patreon and moving to Cuba!)

Jokes aside. I continue to work on assembling the story events. And that is pretty much all the progress I can report at this point. Let us all just wait for the next episode for now and after that I'm sure you will let me know if it was worth the wait or not.

The Photos. I have something special prepared for you guys, this week. I took some time to assemble a proper game-assets-pack for my (super old now) Magic Shop Tron (Episode 07) update. The pack contains pictures (both in-progress and finished) and high resolution PSD files with tons of layers for the CG itself, and also for character dolls for Genie and the girl. It's a lot of stuff and the level of family-friendliness of some of it varies... So I will be sharing this pack via patraons-only post. Feel free to re-share it freely whenever and wherever. (Same is true for my games. I am only doing patrons-only post because of Patreon's policies.)

The time. I know I said the whining portion of the post was over, but here is some more... Secret, hidden and completely unexpected whining section # 02: I am so sick of constantly being busy... It's been like that for years now, but I am yet to figure out a way to trick my mind into taking proper breaks. Little known fact: Star Channel 34 was designed as a simple game that would finally give me more time to release frequent updates and at the same time allow me to function like a proper member of the society. Ha! What a joke that turned out to be... But, hey, all the money you keep sending my way helps so thank you for that. ^_^ Don't worry I haven't given up completely just yet. Not yet. :)

The Gif. What? You thought I ran out of that filth? Never! Here is another one! Enjoy your week, bros.

P.S. I love you guys. -_- Thank you for believing in me. Without you I probably would've given up years ago...





Honestly, lately I feel like I care more about the Monday posts than I do the actual game updates. Namaste my friend 😇


Is ok, you care for what you should, entretainment nowdays is playing safe, no risks, no innovation, that is why we cling to something fresh and awesome, like SC34, keep it up, 20 weeks are still short development cycle


Re: "a simple game that would finally give me more time to release frequent updates"... you ain't fooling us bro. If that was the real plan you'd have just added content to Magic Shop. You clearly had driving ideas for hilarious genie dialogue and writing, and that's fine, we love it.

long a nguyen

dats a good dog, handsome boy


Just think, the last time Magic Shop saw an update was around the time the new Tron movie came out. Woof. Time to feel old and glare at youngsters who walk by my house, damn kids and their youth! Why, back in my day, we actually had to drive to a Blockbuster to get our porn! Look a cashier dead in the eyes as they checked out Night Shift Nurses for the fifth time, and then return the VHS tape within a week.

Trevor Bond

You should set aside two days a week to do 'you' things, Akabur. Like one for chores and one for lying around playing video games and not caring about what people think. Everyone needs to unwind! Also I'm with you... seriously, when watching movies becomes a mandatory job rather than enjoyment for fear you might miss something for the next movie's plot, screw it. Although video games have had a bit of fresh air lately with Devil May Cry 5, if that's your jam.


Akabur, it looks to me there is a typo in the post with "filth" word in the "The Gif" section. Obviously, it should be something like: "You thought I ran out of that wholesomeness of the family friendliness?"


Hey, I really like your work and think it would be a waste if you were to stop creating, content (that may sound selfish but it was supposed to be a praise XD). If you need a break take a break, we can wait, you are making quality content the waiting would be worth it and a little vacation once in a while is nice :D


No problemo brochacho Everyone has issues with something. I've been sick of the the real world and online world! That's why I haven't been commenting on your posts or haven't done anything in general ^-^ Lately I've just been playing apex legends on PS4 maybe you should check it out when you get the next chapter out. It's free so that's cool


Also I'm always supporting mentally even if I don't physically type it out etc. *Sends good energy* Namaste.


Heh... I think these days it's not even "playing safe" anymore and almost like "let's use games as political propaganda machine". Weird times -_-


Yeah... That fiendish desire to create somethings SUPER AWESOME is truly the root of evil in my life. (It is also a root of all money in my life, so I guess it's OK). Thank you for you kind words. I won't let you down. Promise -_-


I try not to think about the time too much... Get's me depressed -_- And although we didn't have Blockbaster in russia, but when I was like 14-18 I had to go to the local flee market to buy bootleg VHS porn tapes from a guy^^ I still remember how one time I came and the guy was not there, and instead his wife was at the counter, and she refused to sell me "adult movies" because I was too young. Damn... I still remember that walk home.


I'll add this to the long list of things I SHOULD do T_T I know it's important to unwind every once in a while. The funny thing is that it would probably even make me more productive. But it's hard to relax when I know I need to release and episode ASAP. Well, maybe after I release this one... -_-


You are completely right. I must've been tired or something. Can't believe I made a silly typo like that. So embarrassing. Thank you for correcting me.


Don't worry I couldn't stop working even if I wanted to. I've been doing it for so long, that now I kind of do it just to keep sane to be honest. Anyway, just keep playing my games, the rest will sort itself out one way or another ^^


Sorry to hear that. Also I think I know the feeling... -_- I honestly have no interest in battle royal genre. And I hate the character design in APEX. BUT, i do play it every now and then with Smersh. I don't we won a single game ever though... Battle Royal games is a weird masochistic experience for me where I mostly provide entertainment for other players... T_T


I knew I felt something. Now I know it was the energy you were sending. Thanks, bro^^