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The Unleashing. I am about to unleash another overwhelmingly family friendly dose of content on you. I hope you're ready. 

Everyone knows that sometimes I post pseudo-erotic stuff, but I am just doing that because it's funny. Ha-ha! But my true supporters know that I am all about family-friendly content only

To other news! It's another freaking Monday. Post number 40, still going strong. But goddamn, where did the time go? Has it really been 10 months? Is it really November already?! (To other news Overwatch released a new character that is not a hamster. Yay for that I guess...)

RDR2. Speaking of video games. I bought RDR2... What a great game! There are so many things I can do in it: bonding with your horse, savagely murdering people, having sex with prostitut-- Oh, wait... So... I can only have a polite conversation with a fully dressed prostitute while having a bath? Damn, I always feel like such an outlaw during those bathing cut scenes! Well done Rockstar! We need more family friendly games! Very cool.

The Goblin's Curse. Speaking of family friendly games: The Goblin's Curse is out. So I am happy for Dahr and Xaljio (and some wolf guy who's name I don't remember). Congrats, guys!

Work. As for my work, I am done putting the scenes together. But yet to play the entire episode from start to finish. Normally at this stage I would move on to working on the sound, but I want to add a couple extra outfits so I am working on that for now. And new outfits will require little events associated with them so that will take some time too.

Quality Of Life Improvement #01. So, with episode 04 we will now have 7 characters on the roster (including Genie and Lola) and having to enter every room while looking for new events is starting to get a tedious. To fix that I spent some time changing the code a bit, to make eveyone's life easier in the long run. Starting with Epsidode 04 an exclamation mark will be popping up over a character's portrait whenever they have an event or a quest for you. 

Quality Of Life Improvement #02.  Also all the events  (in the archive section) with a CGs in them will be marked with a special little icon now. So if you want to replay an event with a CG in it, this should make it super easy for you to locate it^^

Scan. No scan this week. I run out of all my old scans so it's probably going to be a while before I have any new scans to share.

67_wallpaper.psd So here is this week's PSD file. This is a background of Agrabah. I did this one so long ago that it almost feels like it was in another life... Download link is at the bottom.

In Conclusion. I am doing well, no news to report, just slaving away towards the release and hoping for the best.  See you next Monday and in the comments of course. Thank you for your support, guys. 

Oh, and before I sign off, let us all take a moment to appreciate the "Ahego" trend getting popular. I'm just very grateful for that fact... T_T




This aheago trend is a gift from god really. I love how she raises her eyebrow at the end. ^^


Cute chick


Yes we know your true colors, no worry, nice update. RDR 2 is a nice game, but on the try to be as realistic as possible, and yes some option are missing. Looking good, 7 characters are many good characters, do keep it up


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgQ5PXy0_OI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgQ5PXy0_OI</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFuDHYZK5tY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFuDHYZK5tY</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Klpst4zqwE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Klpst4zqwE</a> well done my girl ^^ . Good for drawing reference and not only ...


When you said you run out of scans T_T .


Oh, on the first picture, she has a nice paire of familly friendly balloon. Yeah I also remember some nice ahegao faces from the PT girls ^^ I can't wait to see the most family friendly episode of SC34 ^^ Keep up the good work my friend :)


Good recreational games, ahegao trend. We live in interesting times.


My dear Presidente, your monday posts always tend to bring me joy, giving light on those sad and empty days. Mondays used to suck before your posts :D And even those little things you think you are posting, are utmost important! Keep up the good spirit and that awesome work you do, on our ladies of comfort (ep4 I'm cummi... comming for you!!!) :D :P

Trevor Bond

Always good to see some nice, happy news from our family friendly content creator!


7 Characters Mr Akabur? Hmmm...I think I have a good idea who will be 7 unless you already told us XD. I'm proud of you my man for keeping up the Monday posts, keep fighting the good fight!


The ! will be most welcome. Can't wait to play e4!


I was losing my hope and then... that gif, nice work man!


Boobs! I like boobs!


Great that you are still doing your Monday “Family Friendly” proof of life posts :) they are a excellent start to the week. Carry on the great work.


anyone here actually play goblins curse? if so did you work out the subjucate ending? middle one in endings list. i could never work it out.


Namaste my wholesome only creator


If its Iris i will give the game a second chance. So let it be Iris pls


Could Daphne Blake in the future have a chance?


Hey listen man We need some hermione action. I'm talking princess trainer gold Iris kind of action. I need it man we need it everyone needs to see hermione get rammed


Picture made me laugh ^^

Hego Damask

Just finished Star 3....what a game! If I had to chose a favorite part out of many, I loved Jasmine making Ashelin her big uddered piggy. Jasmine's vindictiveness is an aphrodisiac to me. Oink Oink indeed! It makes one wonder what Jasmine can get away with if Ashelin was beforehand offered, hmm...25? Or 50! O_O 5 star


Hi Akabur. Can you please post your Discord link? One I found by searching here seems to not be working any more. Thanks.


^_^ Well said. Thank you for your constant support, my dear friend^^


Thank you, Sargonos! It's really encouraging to know that the time I am spending on assembling these posts every week is not going to waste! Next Monday Post coming soon* ^^


Yeah, I think most of you already know who the new girl is going to be. ^^ Oh, and next Monday Post coming soon ^^


Wait till you see the next Monday post gif. It freaking heavenly #^_^#


Yes, I am surprised it was going for so many months now. Here is for many months to come! ^^


I played it, but I didn't manage to unlock all the endings, so can't help :(


And rightfully so. I just wish I could have sex with prostitutes in it.


Thanks. I'm glad you like it. I know SC34 has been pretty tame so far, there will be much more sex scenes in the future, I promise you that!


Hi... Sorry, I don't use discord. I simply have no time for it... I create a server, connected it to my Patreon and that's it.


Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. Blessed be all the girls who partake in this trend.


Yeah, RDR 2 is freaking fantastic actually. But I still play AC:Odesey even though it's garbage compared to RDR 2. But in the Odessey at least there is some romance where in RDR2 all I can do is take awkward baths :(


i hope velma makes a visit to SC34....WOOF!