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Hello, dudes. Your family friendly neighborhood person here. I hope you had a great week full of respect towards everyone. Namaste <3

About Telltale Games. What the freak, right? A big company disappears just like that? Without any announcements or proper procedures? But all things must come to an end sooner or later I suppose... Not Star Channel 34's updates thugh. This project is eternal and will never end, it's a scientific fact.

About Spacelords. Few days ago the devs unveiled an updates roadmap which includes (*drum-roll*) customizable skins! As soon as that happened my fondness for the game went into a full-on fanboy hype mode. Several month ago I literally quit playing Paladins (after 400+ hours) when they got rid of the customizable skins. And now Spacelords says I will be able to play dress-up barbies with my characters again? Aw... Come here Spcelords, you weird-ass Spanish game, let me give you a hug <3 

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Kind of looking forward to giving this one a try. There supposed to be multiple romance options, right? All those those strong independent whamen... I'm gonna respect them all!

About work. This time I have even less to report then the last time. Working on all sort of things at the moment. A bit of drawing a bit of coding a bit of writing. Basically business as usual here and now major news so far. 

41_dah_iris.psd This week's PSD file is this. Strictly family friendly content as usual. Original file with all the layers is in the patrons-only post.

This week's pencil scan. This week's scan is so family friendly that I don't even need to put it behind a lock of the patrons-only post. This is an old illustration I did for BHB. Personally this is one of my favorites. I really like that group of street thugs that never appeared again, but I put a lot of thought into their appearance and such. Anyway, if you need the high resolution version it's in the attachment.

See you next Monday? And that is all for today post. Time for me to go get some work done. Thank you for your support guys and see you in the comments.





I miss your BHB art, that is the best of your work!


Well, we talk about this not long ago, vg industry is hard, and one mistake can make you dissapear, we need to be careful about that.


I will do my best to support you so you don't disappear too ^^


Played Spacelords for a few days after I watched your stream. I kinda liked it.


telltale isn't that big of a surprise. walking dead season 1 was great. but the quality dropped on subsequent seasons, and at the same time they began taking on more and more projects. one thing that was assumed earlier on was that they would have multiple teams and to expand their staff. this was a question by fans wondering how they would handle this to ensure that there wasn't a drop in quality, but they replied with that they really weren't expanding on the staff, and that they would just do everything and it would all work out without a drop in quality. unfortunately this was proven false very quickly (the drop in quality), and fans called for a scaling back on projects or to add more staff to handle the extra workload. they didn't really do this and so their products weren't that great for a little while. if you know about the internal issues in the company (management demanding longer work hours, verbal abuse, etc.) then you can see this is a direct connection to what fans had been saying.


Thanks for the write-up Mr. Steele, I've been wondering how they managed to fuck up such a simple business concept but was too lazy to actually look into what they've been up to. You're a wise man.


Добрый день. Очень надеюсь на совет, спросить больше некого, блаблабла Заранее извиняюсь, если не в тему или спрашиваю ерунду. Но с партреона знаю только вас. Собственно не хочу затягивать с ванильным приветствием, вот: Тоже художница и собираюсь выползать на патреон по адалт тематике, ииии у меня встал в вопрос с выводом средств. Насколько безопасно указывать свои настоящие данные в пейпале или пеонере. Сама немножко параноик, но и отсюда все вытекающие. Надеюсь, не растеклась мыслью по древу, очень надеюсь на ваш совет, спасибо!


Hey man, love all your work, and appreciate all the effort you put into your games. Is there any chance that we see the Peachette Crown implemented, if you've seen all the recent memes?


You say you are a bit of a paranoid person and yet you want to discuss things like that publicly? For stuff like that just email me.


Yes. Well, everyone but me must be careful. Akabur is eternal, it is a scientifically proven fact.


Thankfully I don't have upper management to fuck things up for me. I have my work and my supporters and that's it. Best arrangement ever.


So I made at least one person try that damn game. Good. The streams weren't for nothing then ^^


Hi Akabur! I played Witch and Princess trainer ages ago and loved them, and only just stumbled on your Patreon. Just blasted my way through all of Star Channel and I love it too. Can't wait to see what else comes along. :) Also seeing April pop up was fun. I follow another artist named Psudonym and they have something of an April fetish. Lots of kinky stuff (usually mild bondage) of her in their Patron drop box.


Telltale games were a boom around 2014, but their last games weren't selling as good as they were just a few years ago. IMO, it wasn't such a big surprise :)


Добрый день. Это снова я. Простите что снова отвлекаю вас. Это ведь ваша почта akaburfake2@yahoo.com? Нашла ее на твиттере. Мое сообщение вам не приходило?


Spacelords (Or Raiders of the Broken Planet) is a spanish game by the makers of Castlevania Lords of Shadow. I was inside their studio, and the artists there blew my fucking mind.


Have you had a look at the animated comics on their site? <a href="https://www.spacelordsthegame.com/comic/mikah/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.spacelordsthegame.com/comic/mikah/</a>