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Men, are you ready for another Monday post?

About discord. So, I set up that Patreon-Discord-Bot thing (thanks to Nikraria's link to a tutorial). From what I can understand it automatically adds all my patrons to the server. I am starting to see how this Discord crap could actually be useful, but I also see how there is no way I will be able to keep up with any discord happening. Doing the Monday post and answering your comments and such takes all the time I can spare on this. When Patreon finally kicks me out, Discord could be a great place to get in touch with everyone, but for now you guys will have to entrain yourself there.

About "Patrons Only" posts in geniral. I've been contemplating this for a while, and I guess now is as good of a time as any. So here is what I plan on doing. I have a lot of CGs and other in-game art assets that collect dust on my HDD. I think it is time for me to release some of them. I will be sharing them in the original resolution JPEGs and also in PSD format, with all the layers included. Maybe some of you will get a kick out of it, and if I ever loose any of them to a virus or a HDD crash maybe some of you will have the copy :) Also that is all I plan on sharing in those patrons-only posts: my old PSD files, so if you are not a patron you are not missing out on much.

About this week's patrons-only post in particular. Well, here is a quick preview.

It's a CG from a game that-shall-not-be-named. A girl of a legal age is walking through a room full of people at the Autumn ball during the ending of the game. It's a super tame drawing that I personally would never consider NSFW. But what do I know? I plan to share all the WT and PT art assets over time. 

About Episode 03. Well I am still working on the writing, but I gotta say I am supper hyped for this episode (and the following ones). I am still very much serious about making updates more frequent. The development and release pace has been a bit sluggish because with Episode 01 I was building a brand new game form scratch and it always takes a lot of time. Episode 02 was a bit bloated and had way more events then it should have. And I took time to work on Mating Season during the development of Episode 03... But I am dead set on fixing the new episodes release pacing. And I promise you that I will.

And that is about it for now I think. Thank you for the love and support!




Guess I should get in there somehow and take some weight off your back.


As you seem fit, happy that you are moving forward

Trevor Bond

Sounds good, keep up the great work!


Im actually hyped. Good hearing from you on this fine monday.


Hey Aka, fan-art I was talking about earlier is done, forgot to send you though Here it is <a href="https://imgur.com/a/GhIja2s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/GhIja2s</a>


If you feel like it, be my guest. I'll give you all the permissions or whatever,,,


So, we must be +18 to see the post but no +18 stuff is alowed? Interesting 😂 (also, have you heard of Warframe? Is a great free AAA ninja space shooter co-op game).


I like these posts way more than I should


Дружище, я бы хотел узнать насчет Зои. Помнишь, как то раз, ты говорил, что может быть, когда-нибудь добавишь ее в Звёздный канал 34? Так вот, я бы хотел узнать, теплится ли еще эта идея у тебя, и если да, я бы хотел, хотя бы приблизительно, узнать, в каком эпизоде она может появиться. И да, спасибо за все твои работы. Всегда интересно и весело проходить игры, созданные тобой


Yeah. That +18 verification is new I think. Maybe this would mean that we could go back to posting NSFW stuff on public posts? That would be the best actually...


Those legs got me excited! Having a "moderator" for Discord may be helpful.

Nikolaj K.

Do you have any specific goal as to how many episodes you're going to make? Or are you just going to make episodes till you're bored and want something else?


last picture has naked man titties ... banned.


Discord link PLS


So I dont nessessaraly feel comfortable being added to discord automatically... especially not one for adult oriented content. I try and keep my various internet presences separate from each other


Then don't link your personal Discord to your "various internet presences" accounts like your Patreon account?


Can't wait! :)


AKABUR, Have you considered the idea of putting together a team? if you assembled a team, you would increase your production and consequently the sponsor number.


star channel 34 wish you will add cheat mode or mod whatever just reply to this lonely gye


There will be 100 episodes. And last episode will be BATTLE ROYAL!


I actually had the same thought when I was making the post... This is a bit sad to be honest T_T


Yes I did consider that and a about a dozen other scenarios. At the moment hiring a team of pros is not an option, maybe sometime in the future though.