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I just went to see the thing and it sucked. 

Me not enjoying that movie did not surprise me much though. Most of the recent movies and video games bored to death... (Must be getting old) But latest spidy flick was received very positively it seems, so apparently a lot of people are just (FUCKING!) idiots. Or maybe I am the idiot. Yeah, probably the later.

That being said, as soon as I got home I searched for some random reviews on IMDB and the fist one that popped up was even appropriately titled: "Spit in the face of spider man fans". I read it and it made me fell better because it let me know that there is at least one person  on this planet who shares my opinion on this.

And that is about it. No updates on the game for now. Just working on stuff as usual. Don't worry, everything is fine and the only reason next update taking so long to develop is because it's bigger then the privious one. Actually I plan to discuss a lot of things with you guys, and talk about some things and stuff but now is not the time yet.

Thank you for your faith in me and sorry if you liked the movie,  I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything.

P.S. In case you are curious, the review I am talking about can be found here: http://www.imdb.com/user/ur78097033/

P.P.S. Seeing Pepper Potts again was the best part of the movie for me ^_^




Oh God, I am so glad I'm not the only person who was terribly disappointed by that film.


I'm not alone anymore.


Best Spider-Man out there vulture rocked A young peter making mistakes and learning from them is who he is

That black guy

The flash thing was disappointing because I was like "Okay even if he's a Indian guy he could still be a jock from a broken lower class home .... Nope they made him a smart nerdy rich kid" then Ned who was literally Genke with Ned Leeds name, and FUCK MICHELLE they made mj into a tsudere bitch! Da fuck!


Heh... Yeah I know that's what people keep telling me OTL...


I loved MJ the most

celty gezzel smith

if your looking for a good game check out Anthem its not out yet but so far it looks very promising


My main issue here is that it seem more like a Iron Man 4 (featuring Spiderman) , thanks for the comment. Actually I saw the Wonder Woman one and some issues aside (last 15 mins) is pretty solid, Love this bits of Akabur life, thanks for sharing


I agree with tge MJ thing in that guys review but everything else, such as the webbing and spider sense are blatantly false. If the reviewer has watched civil war he wouldnt have said the stupid stuff he said...


they didnt replace people like mary jane, they took the story of gent (another spiderman) and replaced him with peter parker, hence why he as a roomate that knows his identity and why he isnt with mary jane

Theoretical Jack

Spiderman staying on local level, even having to use a competition to get to Washington, his super strength and toughness, Flash being actually a stupid jock (need I remind you he never answered anything correctly?) and Spidey being supernice were actually in the movie. Also, he did use his own stuff, not Starks, at the end, so thats also busted. It was as Spiderman a movie at it's core as can be. Vulture was an actual character in this one, too, which is nice.


I won't defend the multi-cultural SJW crap in it, but I thought it was a good movie. It's very different in tone from all the other Marvel movies...for one thing, I think this is the first Marvel hero who doesn't kill anyone. I think some people are missing the point of the suit, at least as far as its role in the movie. But people like what they like, you can't argue someone into liking something. Learned that the hard way. Like with butt stuff.

Inceton games

Well it's the best spiderman so far! I don't get the hate.

That black guy

Having to watch another movie in order to get the movie you're watching that isn't advertised as asequel is bad story telling


Your opinion is perfectly acceptable, don't let others tell you what you can or can't like. I disagree, but im also a huge couch potato that likes a ton of shitty movies. Loved hearing from you. Looking forward to your work.

That black guy

Except flash wasn't a jock he was qualified enough to be the alternate on the dicathlon team

That black guy

For all the attention they gave to make Peter Peter, they failed to nail anything else


Yeah the Spiderman mythos got a SJW makeover. The comment that the Washington monument was built by slaves that came out of nowhere was particularly tiresome. Lots of things were built by slaves; the Great Pyramids and the Colosseum were built by slaves so I guess they are shit too. *rolly eyes* But ironically making the rest of the cast cardboard cutout SJW stereotypes made Peter Parker stand out so much more as a genuine person. Lol And the vulture was a fully fleshed out character that delivered as the antagonist. I enjoyed the movie overall despite the little annoyances.


*Spoilers* Yeah the suit was actually plot device that acted as a false security blanket a.k.a a foil against Spider Man. He thought it made him better but it actually made him worse. He had to stop relying on the suit to finally become a true hero.


Welcome to the spider Vers it's coming 🤘😈

That black guy

Oh WHERE THE FUCK WAS ANY MENTION OF UNCLE BEN?! I seriously going through the whole movie curious if there was going to be even be a picture of him may and Peter together, nothing! You don't need to go through the shooting and stuff but at least acknowledge that May still​ loves him and that Peter misses him


Haven't seen Wonder Woman yet. I hear it's good. But we will see :)


Marvel and Sony want to drop it .... how many times do we have to see that Rice die

Nemesis Valentine

I agree 100% Akabur, movie sucked. So much random shit happening and whats up that girl that randomly pops up everywhere...


Think the biggest mistake with Spiderman was ditching the Amazing spiderman actor Andrew Garfield. He was the only spiderman I felt actually did the role any justice. That idiot they picked to replace him was almost as bad as Toby Maguire IMPO. I have no intention of seeing the new movie, but thanks for the warning Akabur.


согласен, бездушная хуета, в которой ты был сосредоточен только на том что школа супертолерантная а вспомогательные персонажи просто никакие, ещё раз скажу, фильм бездушный


Блин, увидел заголовок в оповещалке, подумал, неужели кто-то понял что мир нуждается в игре по мультсериалу из 90х, ан нет :(


I saw it the other day, It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The scene with Aunt May at the end was funny and the film manages to convey Peter's character without continually punching the audience in the face with the "With great power comes great responsibility" line from Uncle Ben. In fact, They didn't even bother with Spidey's backstory beyond Civil War at all so, kudos to Marvel Studios for that.


My thoughts exactly!! I hated the iron man suit! I love the gadgets but the talking computer was to much.


Here's what I'll say... The movie really showed off Spider-Man's abilities. He starts the movie in the new suit but it really doesn't do much other than look cool and be form fitting. He takes on the world and does his own thing. Start of the second act he gets the suit unlocked and has maybe five scenes in it? He stops a robbery, breaks out of a vault (which he pretty much did on his own), he saved some people and then the boat thing happened. Then the suit gets taken away and the rest of the movie he's on his own. The movie is about him not only being superhuman but being gifted with even more power, and then dealing with it being taken away. He has a great arc and the point of the film is that he finds his own strength and realizes he doesn't need a fancy suit in order to be a hero. On to the bit about Flash, I don't know about you, but the biggest bullies at my school weren't huge jocks. They were rich kids that had parents who didn't love them, so they used their money and social skills to make other kids feel like shit. I didn't mind his friend being a chub or asian, or MJ turning out to be black. They're both far more interesting characters than they have been in any other Marvel film. They are more than a reaction to Spider-Man, they are their own person. (Well MJ is, hopefully chubs gets fleshed out in the next movie.) I don't mind the diversity and I don't mind the characterizations of any of them. I enjoyed the film, it was definitely the best Spider-Man movie, with Toby 2 being the only other contender for the title. Now was it an amazingly awesome movie? Oh hell no. But it was good for a Spidey film.

Durzo Shadowborn

The movie did have it's problems (cough, aunt may, tony stark, cough) but at least it was better than previous movies. P.S out of pure curiosity roughly how long till your madness has been perfected oh great one?


The person who wrote that article is obviously a racist.


Especially when that supposed A.I. was suggesting Peter to kiss the girl. It's like they have no slightest idea what an A.I. is. Lola in "SC34" often becomes out of character I think but even she behaves more like an A.I. should... Well, in my humble opinion that is...


Yes yes... That is what I keep on hearing... I wish I felt the same way... Sad little Akabur T_T


Yes, I never likes any of the newer spider-man movies. Even though I remember the first one was pretty successful back in the day. And I really like the Sam Raimi's trilogy even though I know it is also not a very popular opinion.


Maybe I was jaded by the time I watched the ones with Andrew Garfield, but I didn't like him nor do I feel like he brought the role any justice. By the 2nd movie I was done with him. Tom Holland seems ok so far IMO.


Haven't seen that one yet, but man, oh man, do I get pissed with this enforced political correct diversity bullshit that is being constantly crammed down the throat of movies and shows. I'm guessing it's a Hollywood lobying thing, but come on, people! It's entertainment, not a propaganda film campaign... oooooooooor is it? *raises pinky to the side of the mouth while dramatic fanfare is playing*


Why? Why not? You share the stuff you like, it is quite logical that people will begin to share what they like. Spending a personal time on it, or not - is your choice. <a href="https://youtu.be/EQirYEU2LOo?t=36s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/EQirYEU2LOo?t=36s</a>


I dunno, I thought it was ok for the comic/show its based off. Its not the typical Canon spider-man most of us know but its not bad imo specially since the the boy playing him did embody the kinda smart mouth'd version of spider man. Having a 7 yo I instantly recognized that the movie is more like the cartoon of young spider man or w.e its called, In which spider-man is a highschool student with the exact same tracker on his wrist and not to mention Tony Stark is his mentor in the cartoon as well. However it includes Iron Fist, White Tiger and I forgot some other (Demi- Hero). As far as it being canon at all, yes it was disappointing, but still entertaining, at least to me :)

Maik Decker

Reading all these comments makes me fucking glad I stopped reading Marvel/DC comics when I turned 17 or so... that was 1977 So when watching any Marvel Movies now - don't watch DC movies, 'cause they are crap - I just see them as "Movies from people who ain't got a clue what all those superheroes were about in the first place", which helps a lot to get entertained a bit. Which usually always is a problem with a movie, that is made after some written source that has been around for a while. Shit, even Lord of the Rings left a lot to be desired, although it was a great movie. The Hobbit was terrible though. Believe me, in the last 40 years or so, I've seen a great share of terrible movies made after great books or comics... and a shitload of re-makes of good or great movies, that turned out to be horrible. So just get yourselves ready for the same experience in years to come. Some movies should never have been made!

Timothy Crosby

it was crap made for the younger kids who do not care about the real story. throw in some bright lights, some explosions, and an emasculated teenage wanna be rebel who is ruled over by a woman and these people will love it. all the new comic shit is geared towards those under 30. over 30 and you need to be acting like you're 25 anyways. so we're wrong for not liking the stupid changes. hell I still mad they made Wolverine over 6 foot tall. he was hardly 5 foot in the comic. hence the name Wolverine. No, Stan Lee is a money whore and sold out a long time ago. that's why I stopped collecting MARVEL.


I absolutely agree with you . On my opinion this was the worst spider-man movie (worse then Spider-man 3). But well almost all Marvel movies are boring.


agree. love mavel comic but their movies seem very trash. specially i love spidey. funny, smart, and very brave. the most brave hero in all marvel universe. struggled with life but still happy. but i didnt see anything in the home coming. even some funniest moments like they said but i didnt feeling any at all. poor story and idiot is what peter parker was in the home coming.


I have noticed that starting the 3rd movie of Spiderman they seem to be getting quite desperate on trying to keep the movie going. And from what I have been seeing it's just going to get worse from now on... As for your game I can't wait to see what's coming next =&gt;


why is porn version better than regular?


Рубак ты че, ничего что Паук всегда юзал технологии? В некоторых ситуациях у него вообще не было паутины, и он юзал плеваки. В гражданке (комиксе) как только Старк дал ему костюм, он его сразу взломал.


This is what happens when you let media get ahold of stories

percy Jackson

I went and saw the movie and I want to say a few things,

percy Jackson

1. spiderman did have a High tech suit in a comic series so the suit was not made up. 2. I do agree that his spider sense was not so apparent in the movie like the others but his climbing abilities were. 3. they already said that there was not going to be an origin story and they did make a mention about the spider bite. so stark did not create him. Hell the suit only enhanced some of his abilities that he could not do himself like the escaping the vault.

Young & Naughty

Мы полюбили тебя еще больше, когда увидели комикс-пародию на пёсю нихельпихель :&gt;


Keep spewing nonsense in russian runes and I will block you.


друже, ты гонишь что ли, паркер сам химичил паутину, а тут ему старк все подогнал


Just lame, the big miss was that Peter Parker is an actual genius, and the abilities make a great super hero one that is one of the most beloved of comics buy they kick him in the balls, he even was hit by telegraph punches (spidey sense off), also spidey identy in comics is a well kept secret, but here its almost in the news jaja, come on a spidey sidekick?