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HELLO THERE, bros. It's Monday and this is your omnipotent leader speaking to you through the means of the Interweb. All is right in the world. Carry on as usual.
DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE CELLPHONES? Modern gaming industry is such a circus. Not gonna go into the details, if you know you know. What I don't understand is why people celebrate this as a victory? Corporations like SONY have entire offices of people who's only task is to figure out how to rip the customer off without braking too many laws. Another blow will come as soon as the outrage dies down. This is exactly my problem with modern everything: why it must be crucial to treat the provider of the service as an enemy and fight for every inch. Whatever happened to simply providing good service?

THIS IS COMPLETELY RANDOM but I leave it here to brighten up the mood a bit. I found this game on EBAY. The price was absolutely insane $300 or something. But, forget the price, check out the title: "Witches and Vampires, Ghost Pirates of Ashburry". Fucking hell, it has witches, vampires, ghosts and pirates! From title alone you know that this has got to be the best game ever! XD

STELLA GLOW. Speaking of best games ever, Stella Glow is the best thing that happened to me this year. I got to the scene above and it had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Not gonna go into the details, those who played it will remember this for sure. Claus is Mr.X what a twist XD. I am so glad they even put some budget aside to deliver this one in a form of a proper fullscreen CG illustration despite it being such a silly scene. XD
GAME OF THE YEAR! I haven't beaten the game yet, so I can't be 100% sure but from what I have seen so far, Stella Glow has already become one of my favorite games. Art-style, music, writing -- everything is close to perfect. IMHO.
WORK. WORK. I don't remember if I told you this or not but I have been taking driving practice lessons since last week. This stuff takes quite a bit of my time since it's in a different city. It takes one hour to get there, then 45 minutes to drive around the city with the instructor and after that another hour to get home. Basically I lose about half of my day every day now. This is one final push though, as soon as I get the license my schedule will get back to normal.

THAT BEING SAID, last week I managed to complete quite a few art assets, the main being another background that will be used both for the Muscle Men Competition and the Harvest Festival events. The good news is that this was the last background that's been missing. This week I will continue to work on art assets, but it will be mostly chibis. Depending of the complexity of the composition chibi drawings could take some time, but they are much easier to ink and color than a full background. So being done with all the backgrounds is a big step forward. I'll talk about this some more in the EXTRA!! post, make sure to check it out.

THAT IS ALL I have to say for this week's Monday post. I will see you all next Monday! Thank you for your support!


A few links just in case:



Trevor Bond

The problem is gaming has become a part of many people's lives, like a second job. This means unlike before, where many people just didn't buy a given game, these big name games are now social events 'that I just can't miss!'. Yes, that's a quote. And companies want it that way so they have more direct access to your wallet at all times... if you HAVE to get a new DLC to join your pals in the game, that's money. If people would back off a bit and realize you can connect to people a million ways now and games are just luxury items not necessities, these companies would enter a panic! But for now, when they're basically just another utility bill, they are taking the aggressive stance telling you you need them, you will pay them, and if you don't won't you just be the biggest loser since you're NOT playing (game) like everyone else?


The trickiest part of Stella Glow is that every single companion has their own ending so you wind up wanting to see them all!


That's the main reason I am incapable of playing any of the MMORPGS -- in order to play one properly it should be the only game you play. And that is why I prefer Helldivers 1 over the second one, because first one is just an online game you can play with friends and if you don't play for 1 month you don't miss anything, where second game (although being pretty awesome) is a book example of "game as a service". Well whatever -_-