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People often ask me what the 'best' stories ever written are, as if I could ever know, but I want to talk about the stories that stay with us, that change how we look at ourselves and the world. Here are 7 (ish) of mine.

Tell me yours in the comments!


7 Stories that Changed My Life.

Which stories truly changed your life? GET ON WRITING AND WORLDBUILDING VOL II for Christmas — you deserve it I https://linktr.ee/timhickson Thank you patrons — without you, I wouldn't be able to do the work I do. https://www.patreon.com/hellofutureme (come join the Discord/writing workshops!) INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tim_hickson_hfm/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/TimHickson1 A WIZARD DID IT MUG https://store.nebula.app/collections/hello-future-me EMAIL hellofuturemeyt@gmail.com GOODREADS https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18990222.Timothy_Hickson SECOND CHANNEL https://tinyurl.com/ybhtz42g where I put extra notes for videos, vlogs, board game reviews, and other stuff from my life 0:00 Paper Towns 5:50 Nier Automata 9:00 Hogfather 11:15 The Testaments, but do it Mr Beast 14:50 What Remains of Edith Finch 17:40 Children of Time/Speaker for the Dead 18:50 The Talos Principle 21:30 Something connects all these stories POSTAL ADDRESS (if you're kind enough to send me a letter or something!) Tim Hickson PO Box 69062 Lincoln, 7608 Canterbury, New Zealand Script by meeeeeeeee Video edited by Cuenin (99% of the time) over at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypfUnArnktqIZYEBQBOu7Q/featured The artist that designed my display pic! https://serem01.deviantart.com/ The artist who design my cover photo: - https://raidesart.deviantart.com/ - https://raidesart.tumblr.com/ - https://www.instagram.com/raidesart/ Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator Stay nerdy! Tim


Natural 1

Call me cheesey, but I would like to say that your videos and first book on writing and worldbuilding (second is hopefully sat under a tree right now) have changed my life. They have tought me to think about what stories are on a level which is deeper thatn 'a story is a series of events'. Having seen them, I feel more able to understand the themes and characters that I see in books. Furthermore, I have learned a (basic) ability from them to see how I interperate the world around us as a tory or a set of stories, and more importantly, the way people around me also interperate the world around them as storiws. This has immensly helped me connect empathetically with people, which makes me surprised to hear you say that you struggle to connect with people emathetically. But that's just my take on your content, merry christmas.