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 Well here's something special, a KJimmy Art Print! You can now get this  Black Cat painting I did to hang on your wall! Also available as non  futa. Been thinking about this for a while and want to expand my business a bit more, so I'm just posting this here for those that -might-be interested :) 

Get it here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/KJimmy73/shop 



Christian Schmidt

I wish i could hang this pic into my office at work but i don't think that the customers would love it as much as i do!


Do you have a plan for which pieces you're going to make available?


Not set in stone no, plan is to pick out the ones I know had very good responses online when I posted them... It's a fair amount of prepping and actually redrawing of backgrounds and such to fit with the printformats.