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Hello my dear, sweet, fluffy creatures known also as Patrons ^^

As explained in my public post, storm weather persists and my UPS is screaming miore than a bitch in heat. So will keep this short. Batgirl won, oh you know that already ^^

Yah, I admit I got confuse a bit by the lighting and I would have liked to go more hard colors on it witout any soft shadows and light. But I guess I panicked as I was running out of time for Today's post. Hell, even this morning I had to dsiconnect the PC for a few hours as we started the day with heavy rain. Anyways.

That's it from me for this week, go Vote if you didn't already 


Thank you all for your love and support, I DO mean it. Take care,  stay cool and see you all again soon ;)




I'm not dear, sweet nor fluffy. I'm grumpy 🧐


Very nice job👍👍 I guess she lost her batphone and is signaling Batman that there's some Batgirl booty ready for action😂


Damn! The lines, the colors, the design, the pose, the composition, the lights, the background! I LOVE IT ALL! Very well done DrawingSpider! 👏😎


Yayyyy floof


Going to be the killjoy here and point out that she would get burned sitting on the spotlight.