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Hi everyone, welcome to another Monday post :)
As you might have guessed, Rogue won in our recent poll (with your support) and so was her turn for a pinup. 

The theme is from X-men "The Savage Land", where they go around doing heroics in skimpy torn clothing. Who doesn't like that?  Inspiration for this picture was Joel Souza's  Rogue in similar theme. He did the front and I did the back ^^

So although, by my standards, I could post the full clothed image here, I rather play safe and not have Patreon nag at me. You can get the full clothed one at my Twitter which may or not be @BadSpidersDen. Else you can throw a dime at me and grab ALL my past work (samples listed here).

In other news, our latest poll is still running here, so if you are a Patron and have not voted yet, do so ;)

Next Poll will have older sketches that did not win, so they will be given another chance to be voted by you.

Nothing else to share for this week. I hope everyone is well and doing great. As always thank you for your love and support, you guys are great. Stay safe and see you all again soon ;)



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