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Hi everyone. I hope everyone is good and doing great :)

You may have noticed some Mondays when I am depleted by racing to finish some pinup, and the words don't want to come out to describe what the events of past week were. So for that reason I decided to hire an assistant who is eager to help. Now "hire", "eager" and "help" may be too generous words to describe it as I basically tricked Jasmine to work for me without paying her a dime. 

You may ask how/when/what happened. Well.. when she got that Santa fur red uniform for her little Christmas appearance, she thought she signed just a lease for it while the lease she signed was really for her ^^. So the silly princess seems easy enough to manipulate. She got her strings and if you play them right you can mover her like a puppet. So from now on I would like her to appear on a weekly silly comic strip, which I hope you will enjoy. In the future there may be more characters featured in these strips but I got to admit that with Jasmine, the stories and jokes seem endless. Every time I am stuck with something I ask myself what would Jasmine say about it and a silly story practically writes itself just like that.

Speaking of stories I am sure some of you might have some to share. For this you can either PM them to me here or  at https://badspidersden.com/ask . If you have them I would really be delighted to read them, and why not, use them in one of the upcoming comic strips. And NO, you don't need to be a Patron or anything. A funny story is for all to enjoy :) . After all, what is left to us other than our "chains"; but to laugh. 

I'll post this with the last frame uncensored in the next post for Patrons. Its really stupid to have to censor it when you see comic tits in the regular newspaper... what can I say.

Other than that, there was some more curvy female anatomy in my twitter this week. 

Kinda looking like Tinker-Belle originally but changed a bit. I quite like her and will be playing some more with her "features". Full image on my twitter.

This week all my focus will be on Jasmine's mini-game ("Princess Troubles").

And to leave you, here is one stupid "ahegao" face by Jasmine. Not quite sure what this is about or why, but I caught her doing it while reading some other page here on Patreon. Maybe I should use parental controls when I leave my computer untended.

... and with that I have to leave you for this week. Thank you everyone for your support. Have a great week and will see you real soon (-ish)  ^^ 



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