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Mark Greene

Some background from the novels that the anime has left out so far... All countries see magicians as resources, especially military ones, and so treat them as lesser citizens. The "Humanist" movements want to declare magicians as sub-human and treat them as regulated test animals. The various countries have engaged in "selective breeding" and genetic manipulation projects to improve the abilities of magicians. In Japan, this is often done through arranged marriages, which is what Miyuki expects will happen to her. Tatsurou, the father of Miyuki and Tatsuya, was married to Miya Yotsuba in an arranged marriage due to his high psion count, and that is why Tatsuya and Miyuki have extremely high psions at their disposal. Honoka is a descendant of families "bred" for their affinities with various "elements" (Light, in her lineage). They were also "bred" to have extreme loyalty to someone - a need to follow that person. Leo's family in Germany was altered with animal DNA to produce higher physical ability and resilience.