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Hey there all my little darlings and darlingettes!  Starting next month I’m planning on making significant changes to my Patreon’s structure, the biggest of which is that I’ll be switching to charging per month instead of charging per creation.  I won’t be changing the prices of any tiers, meaning if you’re in the $1 tier you’ll now only be charged $1 per month instead of $4!

I’ll also be dropping a few things (weekly FA shoutouts, and minicomics) and adding a few more!

Here’s what the new tier reward descriptions will look like:

  • $1 Tier
    • Suggest character actions for Choose Your Own Adventure style comics
    • Early access to monthly clean(-ish) pinups
  • $3 Tier
    • Early access to bonus Bad Ends for Choose Your Own Adventure style comics
    • Vote on monthly pinups
    • All previous tier rewards
  • $5 Tier
    • Gain access to spicy pinup alts
    • All previous tier rewards
  • $10 Tier
    • Submit suggestions for monthly pinup polls
    • All previous tier rewards
  • $50 Tier (Limited slots)
    • One character sketch of your choice each month
    • All previous tier rewards

We’re coming up on the 5(!!!) year anniversary of this Patreon page, and I’m honestly pretty read for a bit of a change of pace.  This will free me up to experiment with different ideas and styles of storytelling all in the silly force fem space I so comfortably occupy!

Thank you all so so very much for supporting me.  I literally could not do this without all of you.

As always, feel free to fire off any questions/comments/concerns in the comments below!


Yuls Bolts

I have no english words to explain it in english So Trikitrakatelas


Honestly I prefer this system. I tend to prefer a monthly "subscription" to artists rather then bean counting their every submission, and it keeps things more reliable since its the same outgoing each month. Hope it helps you creatively as well!


Oh yeah even though I was posting consistently the "per creation" model seemed to leave people confused more than anything most of the time, so this is probably for the best!