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You stand victorious over what remains of the golem.  It seems diluting the clay with your enchanted tea has prevented it from reforming.

You retroactively decide that was part of your plan all along.

What do you do?

Affix RED ORB to your trusty sword to enchant it! (Ziggy Goat) 





Taste a little, just to see if tastes like tea. And besides, clay is known to have plenty of vitamins and minerals, just the thing to keep you strong and able in these harsh lands!


This is all delightful. Use the clay as a medium to sketch up a quick map of the area to contemplate your next move.

Endark Culi

Pick up RED ORB. But do so carefully, just in case it's cursed.


Affix RED ORB to your trusty sword to enchant it!

Aaron Jeffery

Nothing could possibly go wrong from picking up that weird red orb.


Grab red orb and eat it

Darren Forest

Destroy the red orb. Odds are its the core of the golem, and once that tea evaporates it could reform later...


Place the red orb in Ur breast pocket


Retrieve your magic items from the clay and see if there's any other loot.