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Lots of fun themes to pick from this month!!


-Suggest an idea for a tiny (1 or 2 panel) comic about any of my characters, or even just generic characters!

-If you like someone else's idea, give their comment a like to vote for it!

-Whichever suggestion gets the most likes is the winner, and will become REAL!

-I reserve the right to veto any ideas that feel inappropriate


Captan Coconut

The Clawson fangs make robin a Easter sissy


Santa paw's Easter holiday

Darren Forest

Sugarplum Cheetah meets the Dancing Easter Bunny, kinky hijinks ensue


Winston overwatch sissification for APEril


Would love to see a mini comic with the same idea of that old garbage suit one you did years back


Haida as a giant office brood mother with a big belly full of thousands of future office drones being fed large quantities of burgers and fries for sustenance while lounging in a basement beneath the office wearing nothing but underpants and watching soaps.


Anal portal: climbing into someone’s ass crawling out someone else’s


Robin turns into a toilet and gets used.


Mr wolf (the bad guys) as a skanky trailer trash house wife with a tube top cheetah print hot pant bare foot and pregnant


Sissy bunny boi has to incubate eggs in basket


Sonic the Sissyhog gets fashion lessons from Bunnie Rabbot.


The Vibrating Egg Hunt


Robin turns the tables on the hyena bullies, feminizing and embarrassing them before they get a chance to do it to him. In the end he realizes he has become what he swore to oppose.

Jeffrey G H

Robin gets a traditional Easter outfit. Frilly dress, hat, gloves, shoes, pantaloons, parasol. All lavender and pastel, with tons of lace.