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It's nice when things work out!

This week's comic is a very special collab with my swell pal Melangetic, starring her own personal hyena bully, Sheena!  She wrote it, I sketched it up, and then she finished it off with some AMAZING color and linework!  Everyone say "thanks Melangetic!" 

ALSO be sure to check out her Patreon!  She does amazing art and super cute monthly mailouts for higher tiers! 



Ohad Kanne

Definitely the best way to pick up chicks! And Sheena's on the hunt again 💙 I think that bunny wants to be next~


Is the second image a title card to a cartoon? Should be.


i love how the bunny is crushing


Well, did he?


Well, that was a quick turnaround.

Endark Culi

Thanks Melangetic!

Aaron Jeffery

Plot Twist: Bunny isn't crushing on his buddy, he's like, why couldn't that be me that happened to?

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

Thanks, Melangetic! Both of you did amazing work on this comic! Love it a lot!!


Hope theres a pegging continuation of this uwu

Angry Nerd Bird

Honestly, it's difficult to read this is as genuinely forced. It's too cute. XD


That bunny seems to like what happened. I think he needs a makeover too.


Dang. I could go for a mall pretzel too.