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But where are they taking him?  Will they let him keep his car?  Will his balls be okay??? (yes, his balls will be okay)  The answers to all these questions and more after another brief WBTT hiatus! 




Wonder if naughty things will happen UwU


They're just hand 'her' over Robin's landlord's sex dungeon, aren't they?

Afadi Chionesu

Everything's seems cool at this point. 😏 Can't wait for what happens next. 😄


Hmmm, maybe on this road to self-discovery, buck's gonna learn to love being a doe.


I feel like the fact that you needed to specify "no, he isn't going to be castrated" says a lot about the state of this genre of fetish content


Cassie makes up in brains what she lacks in brawn.


Cassie doesn't seem to happy about the road trip. Are they going to see her mom or something?

Endark Culi

This is quickly escalating from "lewd bullying" to "actual crime".

Angry Nerd Bird

Yeah, I think dragging someone across the country and (presumably) forcing them to be sexy is venturing into sex trafficking. lol

MamaGobbastoppa Ivy

It always was a fine line... Maybe the next season will show them meeting Cassie's Mom as a hardened criminal, as a sort of cautionary tale, about what happens if you go too far.


A wonder that their latest "victim" hasn't snapped a garter.


Can't wait for the sequel, I hope he will became totally female, even if I'll still feel a bit bad for him, he really didn't asked for that trouble and looked like a quite sucessful guy 😅