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So the theme last month was my OC's but they're PAIRED with the OC's of the viziers who won the poll! The Suki poll winner was Suki being blueberried along with the permaberry professor Sophia! Looks like Suki's having a special teach me moment, where she's has a guest lecturer with her as she discusses blueberry expansion and the ramifications of it! This one's gonna be a simpler sequence of images, more like the comic, so I hope you all enjoy it when it's done!




HYPE !!! I hope there will be alt version with her normal skin/fur colors.


I dunno about this one, as it will have text talking about blueberries and that's kinda the whole point XD


I am looking forward to it Mabo, I have always enjoyed your blueberry pic and comic. With the slush and wiggle. 😉🥰


I mean you can always make textless alt colors versions if you have the energy. I don't expect it but it would be nice bonus.


A couple of Berry good teachers~ Also love that Sophia is present in the background on the other 3 images in this which is a very nice touch ❤️


Cannot get a better lecture on Blueberry expansion than by Ms Suki and Sophia :D