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EDIT: I have updated the picture with some more depth of shadows and some other small fixes I wanted done on my proper PC, I hope the improvements matter to you guys too, but it means a lot to me XD

Welp, I’ve managed to get to the point where I can finish some things on my new tablet. I do have an update about my pc soon, but for now I hope you’ll all enjoy what i can do so far.

drawing on this tablet hAs proven very difficult, I’m trying my best to draw but it is a VERY slow process. I’m trying to get better t it but thank you for your understanding XD 

So here we have a BEAUTIFUL overswollen Loona, still drinking the hair of the dog that bit her and swollen enormously!i wonder where she got that beer, and where we can get some more of that <3



Captain Rocko

Lookin' good. Nice job!