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My computer that I do all my work from has broken. I will give a tl;dr here and the details in the rest of the thread, thanks for reading:

-My laptop that I do all my work from has a burnt out battery and now the AC port is failing. It's going into the shop.
-I have an Ipad I bought that I will be learning to draw on and trying to make work happen on, but a learning process isn't what I need right now
-I ALSO have problems with my car that I need to get fixed, putting my finances and time in strain right now
-I will be working as hard as I can to acclimate to my current drawing situation and trying to get back in the swing of things, I just need patience and understanding.

Full outline: 

-Computer: My computer has had a burnt out battery for a long time, it's internal and the fix was a financial investment I didn't need. As long as it could stay plugged in, it was fine (I Do all my work from a laptop). Unfortunately, recently I have been having an issue of the plug as well; the connector port from my power source to the laptop is only working in VERY specific positions, and that's no bueno. The laptop cuts off with no warning if the powercord is lost and I can't keep working on a time bomb like that. As a result of this I'm taking it in to get repaired and that means it will be out of my hands for a good long time. I can't say for sure how long at this time. However, I DO have an Ipad that I purchased last year and have been putting off trying to get to know, well it's time to learn I'd say l3 I'm gonna practice on my new device and try to get my work up to snuff as fast as I can, worst I'll do is a WHOLE buncha sketching l3 This does likely mean that I won't be streaming for a long time, though.

-Car: I have also been beset with car problems, my brakes are sticking and I'm not sure why. I'm going to take it into the shop tomorrow as well, limiting my transportation until that's fixed. You know what they say, when it rains it pours. This will compound with my financial situation from my computer and may limit me depending on what the final bills are looking like l3 I will have to see.

So what does this all mean?

Essentially I'll be VERY slow in getting work done, and if I can't muster art that I feel is up to my standards, then finishing work such as my commissions, animations, patreon images and trades will have to take a back seat while I learn my new device or even potentially until I get my laptop back from the shop. I'll still be doing everything I can to make sure I'm moving forward, and if that means I'm doing more rough work than finished work for now then so be it. I hope this is not the case for long and will keep people apprised of my situation as much as possible, but the main point here in all of this is this:

-I'm going to be a bit delayed, and I'm so sorry for that. Please bear with me, I will be back to normal posting schedules soon.

Thank you for your understanding and reading, take care everybody!




As a mechanic my two guesses for the brakes would be seized slide bracket for the caliper/seized caliper, or the far less common brake hose eroded on the inner lining. I would help you if I could. Not sure if this information would help but I figured I'd share if it might. : / Even when you gotta fix it youself car issues suck lol

Starlight Blaze (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-12 18:06:20 Good luck getting everything fixed and hope it all gets better for you Mabo <3
2020-01-21 03:13:28 Good luck getting everything fixed and hope it all gets better for you Mabo <3

Good luck getting everything fixed and hope it all gets better for you Mabo <3


It truly does not rain lest it pour. Here's hoping that things progress smoothly, and with as little wallet pain as possible.