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Hey friends, sup? 

Today I wanted to share something a little different, since it's kinda related to my furry artworks too! I've been sitting at the artist's alley in a local event and it was super chill and cute. The photographer was kind enough to snap some pics as well, so I'm sharing those :)

If you're curious, those are just some old prints I've been keeping on the side... I'm planning to print a lot more, if I'll ever be able to go to some big furcon!

I hope you're having a nice day 🥰 Take care!




Awesome ✨💚


It's really nice to see some of your personal impressions and other types of art you do. I am glad you had such a good time at that event, the environment looks really cosy, almost like working in a living room, hehe. I really like the prints, the pictures shown really emphasise your impressive line work, also the inking is quite enjoyable. It's nice that you offer such a variety of things. And it's nice to actually see it, since I only knew your digital work so far. Lastly it's nice to see that you hit yourself pretty well with your recent self-portrait, as I expected. You certainly share the handsomeness of your stallion. ;)


Oh gosh thank you! Yes, the event was actually not very lucrative (didn't sell a thing, to be honest LMAO) but really relaxed and cozy :) I'm glad a little peek at my offline life was still appreciated!


A pity you couldn't sell anything, I hadn't expected that. Maybe the event wasn't big enough to really get a lot of interest. I hope it will work out better next time. At least it's nice you enjoyed it and some personal updates are always nice to hear. It makes people more aware that the artist is an actual person and not just a drawing machine.