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Hey friends, I've finally menaged to take some time and draw something in traditional media again! This was also on a bigger paper and it took me quite some effort. I've decided to clean it up and fix some minor things digitally, and here we go! I hope you appreciate this sexy faun portrait 🐐

Also, I'll jump on a small hiatus starting tomorrow till March 18th!
Thanks for your patience :)




You have drawn him very well, I really enjoy the lining and the subtle shading you added. The patience you have with drawing hair is really impressive to me, hehe. He also looks sexy indeed and from the looks of him cleaning his face, it seems somebody else really liked him too. ;) Very good work and very lively!


Thanks a lot! Yeah it's kinda hard to find the time to take out the paper and pencils and just doodle stuff, especially bigger things like this one. Hopefully I'll bring something this week!