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Its illegal to have so many good options in one poll


Too many good options but maybe we will get the ones who don't win later


Some really good ones, it s just a shame that if you put someone from a popular show/game they have an unfair advantage even if their model is less interesting or already have an insane amount of artworl for them. (don't get me wrong I ll still enjoy your work no matter who you draw, yoir talent is amazing! It s just a shame to figire out who will win so often)


Selvaria. That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


I knew before I picked her that Samus would be on top of the polls.


Yeah, I think we all now who’s winning this one

Straw Hat Sailor

I wanna vote for so many options AHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Yeah, there are some old favourites that just push everyone else out the way when they come in on polls like this.


Put Samus on the list, and it’s not even a choice anymore.


That's why this is the popular poll? There's another poll for less popular characters.


I prefer being able to vote for multiple; I'd happily take someone who's even #2 or #3 for many people rather than just #1 for a simple majority, but it's not like I'll dislike any result here...