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So I said I was going to update on Wednesdays, but I got it into my head that I would only do that once a month.  Then someone messaged me asking where the update was-- and while I explained that it would only be once a month, it made me think:

What's wrong with writing something-- connecting with my readers-- every week?  I may not have full, complete comic pages every single week but it is still worth it to take the time to say "Hi" and "here's what's going on" to everyone who cares to listen!

It's also good practice to keep the Playground current, living, breathing-- and as I said above, CONNECTING with each other.

This week, I received a gorgeous full-color cover from talented artist William Blankenship (@MadCapComics on Twitter) for the group-funded comic, "Gang Trouble."  

I had to hire a new colorist for the project as the last one had RL job conflicts with his time-- isn't that always how it seems to go? But the new colorist, Gav Heryng, has done work for me before and I think he's going to be a great asset to the project!

Gang Trouble has been a learning experience, for sure, and I want to thank all the fabulous people who funded it for their patience as it is completed-- and completed the RIGHT way, with the RIGHT people, to the highest quality possible.  

Patrons at the $10 mark and above get to see the entire cover's original art before the title was added!  Sneak preview!

And to the person who messaged me asking about updates, thank you.  You cared enough to ask, and you inspired me to do more.  




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