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Hello, Karis Patrons!  I hope the groundhog treated you well, wherever you are-- I'm looking forward to an early Spring!  

I spent January planning out what I wanted to accomplish, and figuring out how to get there. I know I want to publish a graphic novel this year as well as several online comics.  

There will be a new page appearing soon on the Playground:  "Dear Karis."  It's a little bit like a letters column where people write in and tell their diapers stories, only instead of printing the letters and responses, what I'm doing is making COMICS out of selected stories from readers!  I'll edit them for size and story-- but I thought it would be a neat sort of connection to hear some of the stories from the lives of diaper people around the world!

My colorist, Levy Ramirez, has just moved to Saudi Arabia and so is behind on coloring-- for some reason, the laws there wouldn't let him bring his computer with him when he moved?  Weird.  So he's a bit behind on the next ISB page, which should have been up in January; I made the decision to not have another colorist "fill in" (COLORING JOKE, A-HAAA, SEE WHAT I DID THERE) for him because, when all's said and done, we want a consistent final product, not a hodgepodge.  

PLEDGES AND REWARDS:   There were a couple of pledges declined at the start of last month, but those were quickly rectified.  However, the way Patreon works is that the pledge money is not sent in until the NEXT month, so I can't send out rewards until it clears.  Those of you waiting for your rewards, I haven't forgotten you!  

SPOTLIGHT ON AWESOMENESS:  One darling Patron last month increased their pledge to account for the fees Patreon takes out, so that the Playground would get their whole dollar amount.  I don't want to embarrass them but WOW, believe me, I'm so thankful.  That's really going the extra mile.  ALSO, some Patrons INCREASED THEIR PLEDGE LEVEL.  That is nothing short of amazing.  I can't wait to shower all of you with as much fantastic diaper art as I can-- and please know that you are the ones making it possible.

PLAYGROUND STILL UPDATING:  I re-configured and re-tooled the Playground website itself in January, and am busy re-uploading aaaaaalll the old content and comic pages; I have to do each one manually and with this new system, there are a lot of boxes to tick.  Thanks so much for being patient while that happens.

STILL, AND ALWAYS, NEED MORE PATRONS:  I would love to create comics full-time.  To make them happen, I need help-- and that means more Patrons with more Pledges for more Playground!  The three P's, if you will-- hey, there's a lot of P'ing around here (HEY-OHHHHHHH) so please, spread the word and direct folks to http://www.patreon.com/karisplayground !




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