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Hey everyone!  Hope you all had a happy Holidays and a Merry Christmasy happy joyful time!  

The first couple of weeks of a new year are always slow to get started; everyone's shaking off their holiday-self and routines and easing back into the everyday, and this diaperkitten is no different!  

Big things are already starting to happen at The Playground:  Firstly, the actual site itself - www.karisplayground.com -- has been overhauled, and the comics are being manually re-uploaded-- but the structure has improved and it will be much easier to sort through them!  Further adjustments are still being made, but I think of it like this:  My "treehouse" is now made out of bricks instead of sticks. :) Ain't nothin' gonna wreck my treehouse!

I've been talking to several of the Playground's artists about current projects, getting updates, and making plans for an exciting 2016. My goal for this year is to hit that magic $300 milestone-- because I have an idea. I want to publish the first FULL-LENGTH GRAPHIC NOVEL for my readers. I have an idea that I think will be fun, and read like a real adventure. I don't want to give away too much of the idea but it will be set in the 1920's and involve gangsters-- DIAPER gangsters! Sound fun? I think it does!

Gang Trouble is nearing completion, the due date is set for the end of this month!  I'm very excited; it will be the first self-contained comic the Playground has done since ISB, and I think the quality is stellar.  Patrons get sneak previews of behind-the-scenes, works-in-progress stuff so if you're not a Patron yet, why not start the year off right and become one?  

Spread the word, folks-- help the Playground become bigger and better than ever!






Welp, good luck. I'll be rooting for you, kitten!