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What a lovely Monday surprise to wake up to!  My newest Patron pledged at the $10 level and that puts us over the second milestone of $80/month, which means one NEW PAGE of content every month at the Playground!  I'm so happy, folks-- diaper comics!  Diaper comics EVERY MONTH!  I don't know about you but that sure makes ME happy-- oh what am I saying?  It probably makes you happy too!  

Thank you so much for supporting the Playground and making it clear that there is an audience for our particular pleasure, and a desire to see more out of it.  Please, tell your friends, invite them to support the Playground-- every little bit helps, every dollar adds to the pot and makes it possible to hire the artists that create our fantasies.  

When I first started the Playground, it was very much about what I wanted to see, because I wasn't finding it anywhere else online.  I took on the role of content provider, never dreaming that there were so many others out there that were also craving the same thing I was-- diaper comics and artwork.  

And now, over ten years later, I am not only receiving the fan support of people enjoying the site, I'm humbled to be receiving the kind of support that means I don't have to shoulder the burden alone; YOU, each and every one of YOU that is supporting this Playground Patreon, are helping make it a reality.  You got involved, and that is saying something.  Please know that you're not just contributing to some anonymous fund; you are literally building the community, in helping to create fantasies we can ALL share in.  

Thank you, each and every one of you.

With love,




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