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Fit around:

Female base
Bibo+ Uranus, YAB all sizes, Bimbo all sizes, Bibo+ vegan with large legs, Bibo+ Small, Rue, TNF

Nymph: Nymph torso with AFAB and AMAB leg options

Male base
TBSE slim, default and X + Echo

Contains toggles to hide/unhide the fishnet and the bra.

The coat is on a bracelet.

Replaces the Watch item and Scion Adventurer's set.

Public in 2-3 months.

 contributors: Aleks for YAB, Saorsie for Uranus and Nymph,  B+ team for Bibo, Bizu for vegan, Tsar for TBSE, Elegy for Rue, Rox for Bimbo, ; Upscales: Yuri, Demi, Key, Zizi, Kiko,Devo. ; Previews: Katte, me, Demi, zizi ; Bunboi: Sey

Contains a licensed asset which I retopod, reuvd, retextured, baked, and all that boring stuff.



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