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Unlike most cats these ones love the water... Did you know pumas can jump almost twenty feet high? Well... I'm sure this will make one hell of a cannon ball.

I've got this half done plus some of the individual chunks form this piece including the initial sketch of puma himself along with a few extras. 

I've got a few more beach pics in the works too!

Still not sure about the glasses for puma. I like em, but he's also usually seen without em.

These two handsome boys. (Brownie points if you know who the lion is. It's Kuma Lion.) These two fellas are so cute next to one another.

This is more a revived pose I thought of ages ago that I'm bringing back to life, done to my current skill levels and style/design choices. That tail is huuuuuuge.

A bit of a throwback spread I've been planning (not final) but to give you an idea I wanted to include some older artwork in my art book of what the characters looked like when they were created vs a gradual progression of style changes, tweaks and whatnot. He's come a long ways but he still keeps the same likeness I've given him.

(this was meant to be an 'accurate' fursona, and that's why his name is Puma Tuler!)

I'm gonna end this post off with a laugh... I was practicing some expressions and exploring the structure of his face. I am still giggling lmao.

Take care guys!!




such powerful expressions!! Your art is super good tuler!


Yay for beach cats! You draw the best big cats and it's great to see more of your puma and Kuma's lion!


I should probably visit the beach soon; it's been a while.


We can all do with a beach day. All the better with hunky guys in swimwear~.